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Welcome Lecturers

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a non-senate faculty member (lecturer) for the School of Engineering. As a lecturer in our school, you will be performing critical work that is greatly appreciated. We look forward to working with you to create a strong partnership in educating our students.


Navigating the Way

The following links will provide you with information and instructions for your role as School of Engineering lecturer: 

Staff Contact

Lecturer Support Contact

Please contact with questions regarding:

German GavilanSenior Assistant Dean

Room access, general question on instructional support.

Linda Zubke,  Assistant Dean for Student Support

Academic misconduct/dishonesty, work related conflict and general administrative related questions, undergraduate students, including course registration (late adds or drops), concerns related to student behavior in the classroom (e.g., students in distress), referrals to campus units supporting student success.

Educational Services

Class scheduling, course evaluations, course articulation, textbooks, classroom access, and emergency absence contact.

Instructional Lab Staff

Laboratory needs, health and safety procedures.

Academic Personnel Services

Appointment letters, hiring paperwork, visas, emergency absence contact.