Instructor Absence Procedure
If you are unable to attend one of your assigned, required lectures or sections, please notify your faculty supervisor or discipline lead prior to your absence to arrange for a TA or colleague to cover or complete any lectures, sections or tasks that you are required to perform. When uncontrollable or unanticipated circumstances (e.g., illness) arise, and you feel you cannot hold class, please notify your classes via CatCourses and also send an email to so that appropriate signage can be posted on your classroom door(s). If you are unable to email, you may also call School of Engineering reception at (209) 228-4411 to inform a staff member of your absence. However, if your reason for absence is an interview, medical appointment, or family or personal matter, it is your responsibility to make the necessary arrangements well ahead of time, in preparation for your absence. Under NO circumstances should you miss any aspect of your teaching duties for personal extracurricular activities. If you are attending an academic conference or the like, and know well in advance that a class will be canceled, it is your responsibility to arrange for a colleague to substitute for you or make some other arrangement to personally deliver instruction.