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Instructional Logistics

*** Class Schedule (List View) ***


GE Courses / Spark Seminars

Creating and Updating Courses using Curriculog

Instructional Materials

Instructional Printing

Lab Support Contacts

Course Evaluation System

Scantron Machine

Section Assignments

Lab Access

Deadlines, Forms, Grading, Accomodating Students, FERPA


Registration Override Exclusion Request



GE Courses / Spark Seminars

Creating and Updating Courses using Curriculog

The university uses Curriculog to manage changes to and creation of courses. School of Engineering Educational Services has begun documenting specific processes within Curriculog. These guides are located in Box. Please contact at with questions about Curriculog and additional guide requests.

Instructional Materials


Faculty should work with the appropriate publisher representative to get desk copies. Rental textbooks are available for lecturers, temporary instructors, and TAs only. Those who have checked out a desk copy for the academic year, and are no longer assigned to the course, are asked to return it to SE2 315 ASAP so that it may be used by the assigned instructor each semester. Those who need to rent a textbook for the semester can email so that its availability can be confirmed.

Dry-Erase Markers & Erasers

Dry-erase markers and erasers are made available to all instructors and may be picked up at the School of Engineering Front Desk (SE2, 315).

Instructional Printing

CatCard access for instructional copy services will be requested for you by your department of hire prior to your first day of instruction and will be terminated at the conclusion of your teaching appointment. 

Copy support is provided by Educational Services staff when there is no TA assigned to the course or an exception is made due to a high workload of the TA assigned to the course. Requests must be made to at least 3 business days in advance of the needed copy service.

Lab Support Contacts

Course Evaluation System

Student course evaluations are used as an important source of information for the future improvement of courses and instruction. At the end of each term of instruction, students enrolled in engineering classes are sent a link to complete their course evaluation. After grades for the class have been posted, instructors and teaching assistants are sent a PDF to review their evaluations. Course Evaluations are accessed through CatCourses.

Scantron Machine

There is a scantron machine available for use in Science and Engineering Building 1, Room 347

Youtube Video on How to Operate 888P+ Scantron Machine

Section Assignments

Census (the last day to add/drop courses for students) is on the third week of every semester. 

It is very important that all instructor/TA assignments are correct in the Banner Student Information System, not only for Course Management System (CatCourses) access (please see below) but specifically for reporting to the University of California Office of the President (UCOP) as well as for the end of semester course evaluation process to ensure students are completing course evaluations for the correct instructor.

Please visit the following link to confirm that your section assignments are correct each semester:

If there are any errors in the instructor assignments, please email to let the SoE Scheduling staff know what changes are needed a week before census each semester so that any necessary changes can be reported to the Office of the Registrar before the census snapshot is taken. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Lab Access

All lab access will be set by the first day of instruction. If you do not have access to the labs for which you will need access in order to teach your class by the first day of instruction, please contact

    Deadlines, Forms, Grading, Accommodating Students, FERPA

    Important Office of the Registrar information can be found here. This site is tailored specifically for instructional faculty and staff.


    The following is a link for information on how to implement CatCourses:

    Registration Override Exclusion Request

    The Registrar’s Office has introduced a new feature in our electronic forms system. Instructors can now disable student override requests for Late Add, Requisite Override, and Time Conflict Override forms at any time during the registration cycle. This setting can also be reverted to reopen the override options if needed. This enhancement is available from the Fall 2024 registration cycle onward.

    For more information and to submit a request to exclude your course sections from receiving override requests, please visit