During the Semester:
Be an effective teacher. Prepare for class and give clear presentations of the material to your students. Be sure everything you do in class supports student development of the course learning outcomes and goals.
Be on time and prepared for all assigned meetings of your course.
Hold at least two hours of office hours per week and be prepared to devote all of that time to meeting with students. Clearly announce the time and place of your office hours in class, in all course syllabi and on CatCourses. Encourage students to drop by.
Duties, Support and Evaluation of Lecturer:
Proctor midterm exams as scheduled or as directed by primary course instructor. Proctor final exams as scheduled by the registrar. Proctor exams actively to guard against academic dishonesty.
Review-session rooms can be reserved through the Office of the Registrar at the following link: https://registrar.ucmerced.edu/services/room-reservations
Convey to your primary course instructor in a timely manner any anomalous failure rate or problems with individual students.
Maintain a positive and professional relationship with your students and peers.
Attend lectures as required by the primary course instructor.
Attend all TA meetings as scheduled and/or as required by the primary course instructor.
Write or provide questions for quizzes and exams as required by the primary course instructor.
Work through exams and quizzes ahead of time as requested and report problems to the primary course instructor in a timely manner. Do NOT divulge any information about the content of upcoming exams or quizzes to students.
Grade laboratory reports, homework problems, quizzes, and exams as required. Maintain confidential and accurate records.
Return graded materials to students in a timely fashion. Please note that Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts (FERPA) regulations require graded materials be returned to students individually, not placed in public to be picked up.
Perform all grading and submit all scores for which you are responsible to the primary course instructor, and/or post scores to CatCourses as required by primary course instructor before the designated deadline.
Ensure that everything you do in class is related to the goals and student learning outcomes of the course. Explicitly teaching to help students achieve the course's student learning outcomes and communicating this clearly to your students is very important.
Students and instructors should be aware of the student learning outcomes for the course and for the major. If you have questions about how to use student learning outcomes in your teaching, contact your course instructor/faculty supervisor.