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August 8, 2016
Faculty members from the Electrical Engineering and Computer ScienceOpens a New Window., Chemistry and Chemical BiologyOpens a New Window. and Mechanical EngineeringOpens a New Window. groups are forming the newest research center at UC Merced, seeking the best ways to...
August 3, 2016
When she began her journey at UC Merced, Sheena Truong had the future planned out. She’d graduate, go to dental school and become an orthodontist. But Merced had more to offer — and in a roundabout way, it became her destination. In her third year at UC Merced, Truong realized...
August 1, 2016
Professor Jessica Blois is the newest recipient of the International Biogeography Society’s MacArthur & Wilson Award recognizing early career work and contributions to biogeography. Blois, a paleoecologist with the School of Natural Sciences, is the only recipient of this year’s award, which...
July 27, 2016
One of the most stunning sights in Yosemite National Park has nothing to do with granite. It’s the night sky, Milky Way and all. But light pollution within the park can diminish that experience for visitors as well as change the circadian rhythms of flora and fauna. UC Merced...
July 25, 2016
A science literacy nonprofit created by UC Merced students is gaining an international foothold with planned expansion into classrooms in Ecuador. Growth is nothing new for BEAT — short for Biology, Engineering, Agriculture and Technology — but jumping the border is a significant...
July 19, 2016
Undergraduate humanities students at the University of California, Merced, will gain valuable research opportunities and support for their transitions into graduate studies and scholarly careers, thanks to a new program that will serve 60 students over the next three years. The program, funded by a...
July 11, 2016
UC Merced Extension, a combination of professional development and personal enrichment courses that mark the campus’s first extension offerings, launches this summer with educational excursions to Yosemite National Park and fully online courses for working professionals in business, management,...
July 11, 2016
Don’t be surprised if, as the warmer weather kicks in, you continue to see green lawns at UC Merced. Maintenance crews are not using more water to keep the quad lush. In fact, they are using less. Facilities Management has adopted a hydrogel system, developed by a Fresno-based company, that allows...
July 8, 2016
Editor's note: The following story appeared in the spring issue of UC Merced Magazine. When Abraham Olivares moved to Merced at age 20, a career in education was the furthest thing from his mind. Olivares said he didn’t have a lot of confidence in his abilities back then. Life is quite different...
