Why UC Merced?
UC Merced was actually a happy accident. I didn't initially plan to attend UC Merced but applied anyway and discovered that the school was by far the best fit for me.
Why Your Major?
As grandiose as it may sound, I believe that mechanical engineering gives one the tools to improve people's lives and the world. It has always been my hope that I can take these tools and enter the field of renewable energy and or sustainability.
Inspiration and Mentors
My family, especially my mother and father, has been the greatest source of support and motivation through my entire academic career.
Memorable Academic Experience
Capstone design has been my favorite academic project. Getting to collaborate with other engineering students and perform real world engineering has been a great learning experience and a blast.
What's Next?
In the long run, I plan on entering into sustainability and doing my small part to make the world more sustainable.