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Pre-approved UCEAP Courses - Europe

France ME Technical Elective L'Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées Lyon GI-4-PEX Design of Experiments
France ME 137 L'Institut National Des Sciences Appliquées Lyon GM-4-COCAO-S1 Computer Aided Design of Mechanical System
Ireland ME Technical Elective Trinity College Dublin ME4B7 Computer Aided Engineering
Ireland ME Technical Elective Trinity College Dublin ME4B19 Biomechanics
Ireland ME Technical Elective Trinity College Dublin ME4B20 Biomaterials
Ireland ENGR 120 University College Cork CE2003 Fluids I
Ireland CSE 150 University College Cork CS2503 Operating Systems I
Ireland CSE 120 University College Cork CS3500 Software Engineering
Ireland ME Technical Elective University College Cork ME6002 CAD/CAM
Ireland ME Technical Elective University College Cork ME6006 Non-Destructive Testing
Spain BIOE 135 Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid 15538 Biochemistry
Spain ENGR 045 Universidad Carlos iii de Madrid   Materials Science and Engineering
UK - England ENGR 120 Imperial College ME1-HFMX Fluid Dynamics
UK - England ME 142 Imperial College ME1-HMTX Mechatronics
UK - England ENGR 151 Imperial College ME1-HSAN Stress Analysis
UK - England ENGR 130 Imperial College ME1-HTHD Thermodynamics
UK - England ENGR 135 Imperial College ME2-HHTR Heat Transfer
UK - England ME Technical Elective Imperial College ME3-HCCM Computational Continuum Mechanics
UK - England ME Technical Elective Imperial College ME3-HDAC Design, Art, and Creativity
UK - England ME Technical Elective Imperial College ME3-HMTM Manufacturing Technology
UK - England MSE 114 Imperial College ME3-HSPAP Structure, Properties and Applications of Polymers
UK - England ME 140 University of Leeds MECH 2620 Vibration and Control
UK - England ME Technical Elective University of Leeds MECH 2660 Mechatronics and Robotics Systems
UK - England ME Technical Elective University of Leeds MECH 3450 Aerospace Vehicle Design
UK - England ME Technical Elective University of Leeds PDES 1200 Using Creativity and Innovation to Solve Problems
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University AEB020/AEBF30 Photovoltaic Systems, Basic Course
Sweden CSE 175/COGS 125 Lund University EDA132 Applied Artificial Intelligence
Sweden CSE Technical Elective Lund University EDA180 Compiler Construction
Sweden CSE Technical Elective Lund University EDAN95 Applied Machine Learning
Sweden CSE 175/COGS 125 Lund University EDAP01 Artificial Intelligence
Sweden CSE Technical Elective Lund University EDIN01 Cryptography
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University EIEN01 Applied Mechatronics
Sweden CSE 140 Lund University EITF20 Computer Architecture
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University FBR012 Fundamental Combustion
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University FBRF01 Fundamental Combustion
Sweden ME 135 Lund University FHL064 Finite Element Method
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University FKMN05 Powder Technology
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University FKMN10 High Temperature Materials
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University FKMN15 Light Materials
Sweden CSE 185 Lund University FMAN85 Computer Vision
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University MMK070 Industrial Design
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University MMK150 Project, Machine Design
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University MMKF35 Industrial Design
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University MMKN65 Project - Machien Design
Sweden ENGR 120 Lund University MMV 211 Fluid Mechanics
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University MVKF15 Introduction to Vehicle Systems
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University MVKF25 Hydrogen, Batteries and Fuel Cells
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University TNX153 Rehabilitation Engineering and Design
Sweden ME Technical Elective Lund University VVR090 Hydromechanics
Netherlands CSE 020   021 University College, Maastricht SCI2011 Introduction to Programming