former Director, IBM Science and Technology
Advisory Bio:
Dr. Chandrasekhar (Spike) Narayan recently retired and was formerly the Director of Science and Technology at IBM Research – Almaden in San Jose, California. While there, he was responsible for both fundamental and applied research and is a leader in managing innovation. He drives research in the areas of nanoscale science and engineering, nanoscale device integration, spin based electronics, advanced materials development and characterization, storage technologies and computational materials science. He was also responsible for driving materials innovation in the areas water, energy, environment and health care.
Previously, Dr. Narayan has held several research and management positions in IBM at both Almaden and Watson Research Laboratories and has received many awards for his technical contributions. In addition, he is a Master Inventor within IBM Research and has over 50 US Patents to his credit and is a Member of IBM’s Academy of Technology.
Dr. Narayan earned his Bachelor of Technology in Metallurgy from Indian Institute of Technology, a Master of Science and a PhD in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering from Lehigh University, USA.
IBM Research – Almaden