Why UC Merced?
I chose UC Merced for its vibrant community of Latinx and diverse students, reflecting my background as a former undocumented Latino immigrant from Brazil and a first-generation college student, creating a supportive environment for my academic journey.
Why Your Major?
Environmental engineering was my chosen path to engage in a career centered on sustainable problem-solving, addressing current environmental challenges, and minimizing our impact on the planet.
Inspiration and Mentors
Dr. Fortier has played a pivotal role in deepening my passion for sustainability; Dr. Yarra, has shared valuable insights from his career path, guiding me toward my career goals. The support from university staff, particularly from ACCESS and Liz Atilano has been immense, fueling my perseverance.
Memorable Academic Experience
Learning the critical role of snowfall in the Sierra Mountains for the Central Valley's agriculture and overall well-being in Snow Hydrology, then experiencing 40-year record snowfall was incredible. This unique circumstance provided an extraordinary opportunity to translate our theoretical knowledge into practical application. We gathered data for water flow prediction models in the field, turning classroom learning into hands-on experience.
What's Next?
My next plan involves making a positive impact on both the environment and my community by translating my gained knowledge into tangible contributions that align with sustainable practices with energy efficiency green building or water quality/conservation.
Anything else?
I’d like to express my deepest gratitude to my significant other, Monica, for her unwavering love, inspiration, and support throughout my academic journey. I hope that my efforts serve as an inspiration to our two beautiful children.
I want to also acknowledge the important role of my two younger sisters, my parents, and my aunt and uncle, Elizete and Uriel.