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The academic governance of the School of Engineering is administered through four committees; three of which (The Academic Personnel Committee, the Curriculum Committee, and the Resources Committee) are each comprised of faculty from each undergraduate major, and an Executive Committee comprised of the chairs of the three individual governance committees, an elected member at large, and the current Faculty Chair of the school.

Academic Personnel Committee

The responsibility of the Academic Personnel Committee is to oversee the process of faculty recruitment, appointments, and advancement, including professorial ladder rank faculty (tenure, tenure-track, adjunct and visiting), and instructors/lecturers, and to relay faculty votes and discussion discussion to the Dean.

Curriculum Committee

The Curriculum Committee is responsible for monitoring student success in Engineering majors and courses; coordination and recommendation of new and revised courses; school planning for new majors and emphasis tracks; provision of estimates of future enrollments and instructor needs for strategic planning; and assisting in planning and information gathering related to accreditation. The Curriculum Committee reports and and makes recommendations to the faculty and the Dean relevant to these functions and responsibilities.

Resources Committee

The Resources Committee is responsible for space planning and utilization assessment, and coordinating input on strategic planning and workload policy. The Committee considers space planning, review of space utilization, input about individual space needs, and space planning needs in preparing the draft strategic plan for discussion and approval annually by the faculty of the School. The Committee is responsible for coordinating input from academic units (institutes, graduate groups), faculty and the Engineering curriculum committee for strategic planning. The Committee should also develop a workload policy and monitor faculty workload, and prepare reports and recommendations to the faculty and the Dean; also advisory to Dean.

Executive Committee

The responsibility of the Schools Executive Committee is to consult with and advises the dean on all aspects of School of Engineering academic administration, including budget and fiscal matters, faculty recruitment and mentoring, research, and student recruitment and success.